Foundry Tour

Pouring/Melting Department

T&L Foundry’s excellent casting machinability is assured through slow cooling of the carefully poured mold, which gives the finished casting the required mechanical properties and provides the optimum in consistently machinable parts.

Permanent Molding

T&L Foundry’s Permanent Mold department produces castings by Conventional, Tilt Pour and Low Pressure methods. As in Sand molding, we concentrate on internal integrity and excellent surface finish parts. Typically cast iron or Meehanite (a dense cast iron) is used as the mold material and the cores are made from metal or sand. Cavity surfaces are coated with a thin layer of heat resistant material such as clay or sodium silicate. We also have the ability to cast-in inserts in our permanent mold processes.

Sand System and Sand Laboratory

T&L Foundry uses a variety of technologies to ensure customer's product quality specifications are met.

To do this T&L has added a States Engineering CM-2500 Ring Mullor and Summit Foundry Systems sand delivery system that provides the greatest quality sand to our Sinto FBOX, Squeezer and Pin Lift lines.

To maintain this quality sand T&L Foundry has the latest in sand analysis technology laboratory, inspection and testing equipment and use it to ensure product quality.
Chemical analysis, X-ray testing, dye penetration and other customer specified tests are conducted by approved laboratories to ensure customer specifications are maintained.

Air Set/ No Bake

T&L Foundry’s Air-set (No-bake) Sand Casting process is a very versatile work center which allows all shapes and sizes of castings to be produced. Using a high-speed mixer to combine sand and resin, the sand mixture is packed around a "positive impression" (typically a Wood Cope and Drag Set). The mold hardens in a few minutes and is removed from the pattern. It is then ready for the pouring process.

Core Making

T&L Foundry's sand cores are used in the molding process to shape the casting for the customer's product. Core making is a craft that combines the latest technology with more traditional practical processes. Our core making capability is essential to achieving on-time delivery, and we supply our customers' needs for cores utilizing coldbox, shell or air set process.

We manufacture isocure, air-set and shell cores using automated equipment and manual fabrication. Sand is delivered to the core machine where it is activated by gas injection and compressed into the desired shape using core box patterns. Additional machining may be required to assemble or finish the core. Cores are inspected to ensure quality castings.

Cleaning/Finishing Department

T&L Foundry’s Finishing Department is equipped with Roberts Sinto Barinder, Table Blast, Tumbleblast, Belt Sanders, Cut-off Saws and hand debur units for cleaning the variety of castings and sizes. This equipment enables us to meet customer specifications by enhancing the appearance of the finished product.

Pattern Shop

T&L Foundry has an inhouse pattern shop. It is here that all patterns and tooling are inspected and modified for proper gating and cosmetic appearance before being set up for production. Any tooling repairs and maintenance will be done in our pattern room unless outside resources is needed for major modifications. Any gating changes recommended by the shop foreman and Quality Assurance personnel will be made in our pattern room.


Our automated molding machines provide high quality castings with unparalleled consistency in the finished product. Our highly talented molding operators skillfully produce thousands of molds to be delivered daily to the aluminum pouring lines.

Automated, conveyorized molding and manual molding equipment is used to create the customer’s castings using in housed produced cores and customer owned patterns. We have a Roberts Sinto FBOX automatic molding machine along with Squeezer and Pin-lift manual machines to accommodate different sizes and quantities of castings per customer specifications.

Heat Treat

T&L Foundry houses it own internal heat treat facilities. T&L Foundry's equipment includes a quench bath oven along with a separate age oven.

Tooling/Casting Design and Layout

Software and equipment ready to assist with customer's new product developement.

Spectrograph and Tensile Testing Equipmnet for Metal Analysis

Poured heats are tested and checked against verified type standards to make sure all production alloys remain in spec. Also, have a tensile test machine on-site for requested job specific tensile data needs.